Friday, June 11, 2010

Hampshire's 40th Anniversary

When I was working at the circulation desk today at the Library, a young, elementary school-aged girl asked me where the children’s books were. It’s the 40th Anniversary Weekend at Hampshire College and lots of former students are around and some of them brought their kids. The girl was articulate, well-groomed, and polite. She made me think how at her age I never brushed my hair and acted sullen and didn’t talk very much. I wonder what that says about my parents, I thought. What is with young kids these days? They’re so cultivated, or something. Maybe my kids will be that way! There’s a thought. I was going up into the stacks, anyway, so I offered to show her the small children’s section. Later she came down and politely asked if she could take a book out just for a while. I asked her if she had any collateral, like some credit cards. I think she thought that was funny. Then, since I’m a nice guy, I checked it out on my account and told her to return it by tomorrow.

I realized that if she doesn’t return it, I’m going to be in a kind of Larry David-esque situation. I’ll have to call the girl’s mother (the former Hampshire student) and insist that her daughter has a book that I’m getting fined for. The kid might lie about it. My boss will get angry with me. It could be really awkward. I really hope she just brings it back tomorrow.

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