Saturday, October 2, 2010


I've been bad about keeping up with the blog. Times are tough. But the other day I heard from a friend that some of my articles for thought catalog are linked in important places. This inspired me anew to get back into writing. I wrote a good, long piece about my post-grad misery. I expect that should be published soon enough, if it's any good.

Yesterday I started to feel like I was going crazy because there's no one around to talk to other than my parents. Finally, I got a hold of my friend Jessie who goes to Kutztown, a nearby college. I drove out there. It was strange being there in a college town with people out and about smoking cigarettes and drinking.

When I got home I started reading Hunger by Knut Hamsun. The narrator is an unemployed guy who walks around the city trying to sell articles as he loses his mind. I wondered if this was a serendipitous choice of reading – after all, I'm unemployed and it does feel like I'm losing it half of the time, and I'm starting to write articles again that probably won't make any money. Not only that, but when I went to the library I meant to get out some detective fiction by Dashel Hammet, and Hunger was there right next to the Hammet, so I took that instead. More on this later, as I continue to read the book.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Come to my blog, I hope you enjoy!


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