Monday, December 7, 2009

feelin' good

Today I met with my two new roommates Wade and Gina in Northampton to sign the lease. They both seem like good people. Wade, by the way, is kind of a granola hipster. Maybe I’ll learn a thing or two brewing my own beer.

Afterwards I went to the Green Bean for brunch. I put my name down to get a table for me and my friends. While I waited for them to meet me I sat outside with a cup of coffee and a cigarette. I looked at people walking past through my sunglasses. I was feeling good. I was feeling self-satisfied. It was kind of like being in Paris again, but the people were not dressed as well and the women were not as attractive.

Then I started to feel kind of guilty, and speculated that god was going to smote me with some new malady, like the swine flu or a thrown-out back.

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