Monday, July 6, 2009

echoes of Florence#2 + fragments of an inane conversation

Today in my Maghrebian cinema class we watched an Algerien film called Viva Laldérie. It’s a melodrama of sorts inspired by ‘80s Almovodar about a women living in Algers with her mother in a hotel room. Anyway, about an hour until the film, this woman goes to some sort of fortune teller. The fortune teller was played by none other than Florence, my old host mother. Of course I knew that she had played in several films, but this came as quite a surprise.

Later the same day, I was walking to dinner. I overheard the following conversation between two Middlebury students who are here just to work on campus over the summer, thus they’re allowed to speak in English.

Girl 1: It’ll be like a foreign film.

Girl 2: But foreign films are French, with subtitles, and well thought out.

Girl 1: It’s Japanese, so it’s foreign.

Girl 2: Yeah, but they’re not the same, they’re not as well thought out, etc.

Girl: You’re right. Actually, though, there are some French movies that aren’t very good.


  1. Is this a covert way of saying the movie wasn't so hot?

  2. they hadn't watched the movie yet. I think girl #1 was trying to convince girl #2 to watch a Japanese movie. Girl #1 didn't consider Japanese movies 'foreign.' I wonder what a Japanese movie is, then?


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