Saturday, August 8, 2009

fragments from my past

A couple of days ago my old friend from middle school Dave Smith added me as a friend on facebook. We stopped being good friends because I thought that he stole my Magic cards. I lost track of him during high school.
On the left is Dave. On the right is a girl named Taylor. If I remember correctly, in the fourth grade I asked one of my friends to ask her out for me, whatever that would've entailed. She said no. VoilĂ  the beginning of my tragic romantic life, filled with rejection and jealousy.

On the left is a girl named Erin who was in my eight grade science class. Our teacher Mr. Litner frequently became enraged with her because she perpetually chewed gum and generally expressed a glib attitude. If you can't tell from the photo, she is very small. Dave and I often harassed her from across the street while we walked home. Dave is there in the background, with the red shirt. Next to Erin is someone I don't know, but the caption indicates that his name is "Ballin J."

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