Thursday, November 12, 2009

the daily grind

I’m sitting here, working on my resumé, because my other work bores the hell out of me and I can’t bring myself to look at another article. I certainly don’t want to start writing. I’m technically working on a thesis—a ‘Division III’ as Hampshire calls this year-long project—but both of these terms are just a euphemism for a big homework project, and homework is the worst.

At media services today motherfuckers were annoying. Sometimes I enjoy talking to customers, if they smile, or crack a joke, or something like that. A professor came in and didn’t get it that we didn’t have the film she wanted, and she started to get short with me. Then some guy came in and just walked past the desks and started collecting the microphones he had reserved. ‘Just help yourself,’ I said. I guess he didn’t get it because while I was doing something else I heard Matt tell him that we would get his things for him.

The other day I screened Claire Denis’ L’intrus. Three people showed up; one of them left twenty minutes before it finished. One of them said that she came because she had been in France for a year and wanted to hear French. That was a shame, because the movie has almost no dialogue and much of it is in Russian or Korean.

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