Saturday, October 3, 2009


On Friday night Dave and I went to a bar called Hugo’s in Northampton that our friend Ella suggested to us. It’s kind of a dive, but not like the dive bars in Bethlehem. We ordered a beer and played pool. I won pretty easily. A guy put money down on the table to claim the next game and I realized that his friend is the guy that works at Sam’s pizza on Main Street. You’re the guy from Sam’s pizza, I said. We were just talking about that, he exclaimed. He’s the kind of guy that exclaims, not says. He is very friendly. In his role at Sam’s he brings a little too much personality to his job and it can be annoying. But at Hugo’s it was amusing. We asked where we could get pizza and he said that everywhere was closed, but he had some slices with him from Sam’s; he had just closed the place. We said we’d by them. First he wanted us to buy him two beers, but I brought him down to $4 for two slices. He told us that he had been an art student, then for whatever reason he started working at Hugo’s and then he got into ‘the doorman scene,’ whatever that means, and now he finds himself working at Sam’s. I asked him and his friend if I could bum a cigarette; his friend gave me two and told me to give the other one to a lady. I did go outside and smoke one of them, but there weren’t any ladies to give the other one to.

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