Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This past weekend was satisfactory. On Saturday I went over to Jared’s place in the 11th and we drank Belguim beer, which tastes fairly good, goes down easy, and has a nice alcohol ratio. Jared but on Devo’s ‘Whip It.’ I had forgotten how catchy that song is. Emile and Lindsay joined us. I was feeling very jovial and I decided to tell the joke about the three men on the beach and the airplane. I can remember distinctly every time I’ve told that joke. Those are fond memories.

We walked around and searched for a bar and after a while just decided to go to the first one we found. There was some dancing going on, etc. etc. The bartender was a young woman with a tasteless outfit that showed her midriff. I confess, I like midriffs, but I think showing them is tasteless. Well she was a real ball of fire.

We didn’t stay long because I wanted to catch the metro. As soon as I stepped on I realized that I was thoroughly soused, and I nearly puked. I made it back, however, and took some tums and passed out in my clothes. Tums and pepto bismol can be very useful if you like to binge but have a sensitive stomach, before, after, or during the drinking.

On Sunday I passed the time by walking around the 13th and in the Jardin des Plantes. There were lots of couples walking around, alone or with their kids, and I thought that was kind of nice.


  1. i'm trying to think if i know which joke you're talking about. i don't know. also, sometimes i show my midriff but it's never intentional. it just means i need to buy new clothes.

    paris sounds pretty nice.

  2. Did you tell the joke alone? You need an accomplice.

  3. i did tell it alone, but i waited about a half hour to tell the other half. i agree though, it's much better if two people know it.


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