Sunday, March 22, 2009


Lately I’ve been noticing how often my nose runs and I have to use a tissue. I’ve always had to use a lot of tissues, that’s no surprise, but I’ve never paid much attention to what seems to trigger it. It seems like anything can trigger it. I eat an orange, and I need to use one. I cook dinner, and I need to use one. I go to the bathroom, and I need to use one. I eat a sandwich, go outside, brush my teeth, wash my face, watch a movie, smoke a cigarette, etc, and I need to use one. Maybe I’m just allergic to the modern world, like Julianne Moore in Safe.

Last Wednesday I went out to dinner with the bros for my birthday. We sat next to three friendly Italians. They bought us drinks at the end and the whole table sang happy birthday. I felt appreciated. It was a damn good night, in fact the whole day was pretty solid.

On Friday I went to another party with Swedes, although this one was smaller than the first one. The Swedes are probably our only real European friends. I really talked up my blog, and I said that Ingmar Bergman was too metaphysical and that I never liked him very much. They didn’t take that too well, but I stood my ground. Azeaza (forgive me if the spelling is incorrect) said that some of them thought I was a little obnoxious. I think they took me too seriously, especially when I was talking about my blog. I thought it was amusing, though, that they did think of me that way.

Last night, Jackie, Amanda, Nicola, and Maddie treated me for Thai food in the 13e. I really appreciated it. I also appreciated the card they gave me, which they wrote together when they were drunk, by each writing a line and then passing it to the next person. I feel oddly compelled to read it very closely, to see if I can glean some insight.


  1. Her name is spelled Azize.
    I hope you enjoyed yourself (a little bit) last night. I didn't mean to bail, but everybody ignored me and kept walking.
    Also, this is my new account/blog.

  2. I have a similar tissue/nose problem. I think I've figured out, however, that mine is directly related to how cold I am and I just get cold surprisingly easily.

    happy belated birthday, dan.


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