Wednesday, March 25, 2009

when's the cut off?

Yesterday I saw Watchmen with Jared and Sebastion. The theme of the movie seems to be: you have to break some eggs to make an omelet. I wasn't thrilled by it. The movie finished at around midnight, and when I got out I saw that I had a text from a friend from an hour or two earlier while I was still in the theater. I called her back, and the call woke her up. I felt very bad.

When's the cut off time for college students? I always thought there wasn't one, because I just turn off my cell phone or put it on silent when I go to bed; the alarm will still sound in the morning. Jared informed me that not all phones do this, and that you have to leave them on (this would explain why I've woke Jared up several times in the morning--I always thought he left his phone on because he was neurotic about missing calls, but actually he has no choice if he wants to have an alarm).


  1. I'm hurt. Is that who you think I am? A man whose decisions are determined by his neuroses? Huh!? Well, casse-toi, bud!
    Also, I have a difficult time blogging about people whom I suspect (or even imagine) might read my blog. It seems not to hold you up, which is good.
    Ok, maybe I am neurotic.

  2. i think there is no cut off. i'll answer a phone at any hour if i'm willing to talk.



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