Monday, March 16, 2009

shit happens

On Thursday, I attempted to get up early enough to take a run before class, but I was still about 15 minutes late, though part of this was due to the metro running slow. As I was waiting for the 8 at Bastille, an attractive woman approached me as if she knew me, and I thought, what attractive French women do I know? I quickly realized that it was actually Nicola, and I had a pleasant conversation with her the rest of the way to Bonne Nouvelle. I asked her if she was ambitious, and she said she was, but quietly.

Saturday was good, with some qualifications. I saw Manhattan at the Action Ecoles with Jared and then afterwards we got sandwiches nearby. We were talking about our difficulties with women, and I made analogies about dealing with lower back pain. One of my favorite Japanese movies, Cure, was showing in Montparnasse so we walked over there and had a drink and then saw that. Jared got really into it, and that pleased me. It was bromantic.

Jackie and Maddie convinced me to go to this club near Belleville, so after the movie I met them there. In line, I ran into John and his Polish friend Anaya. They’re good people. When I saw Anaya, I said to myself, this is Maddie’s kind of girl. Unfortunately, while we were in line, a lot of money was stolen from my wallet. I don’t want to say how much, because I feel stupid about carrying that much with me.

After this, still waiting to get in, I saw Amanda and Nicola. I waited in a lot of lines Saturday night. It seems like that is a big part of what clubbing entails: waiting to get in, waiting for bartenders, waiting for the bathroom. Anyway, these two helped cheer me up. I said to them, shit happens. They agreed. We talked about whether it was acceptable for us to hang out independent of Jackie, for instance if Jackie weren’t around. It was something that was on all of our minds. I think we agreed that we could, but I’m still not really sure. Nicola mentioned that she had been thinking about my question that I asked her on Thursday, about being ambitious. It was nice to see that what I say is reflected on after the moment has passed. She said that she realized that she wanted to somehow give birth to the next Christ, or have a virgin birth, something along those lines, my memory is a little cloudy. The gist seemed to be that she wanted to have a kid. I said I did too, and that her kid will be the next Christ, and mine will have mental health problems. They decided to peace, which was a shame.

Inside, I introduced Maddie to Anaya, and I think my intuition was right. I felt good about that. It was a gay theme that night, and I could feel all those mens’ eyes on me. I’m half serious when I say that. I spent most of the night talking to Maddie’s friend Molly, who was visiting Paris for spring break. I can’t think of a good adjective to use, but I liked her.


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