Monday, February 9, 2009

A cause des garçons

Friday night I went to the Merle Moquer again, this time with Jackie and Jared. I was wearing a different pair of glasses, and the bartender noticed and said I looked better than the day before. After two drinks, we left to go to a place called Chez Prune in the 11e. It was a quieter bar, and I was a little disappointed because I was hoping for another rowdy night like Thursday.

A little bit before the bar closed, I noticed that there was a very attractive women sitting alone at the bar. Jackie and her friends encouraged me to go talk to her. Finally, I figured, why not. I stood next to her and tried to order a drink, but the bartender wouldn’t serve me because it was past last call. I had noticed before that he had been talking to the attractive women, and I thought, here’s my in, and said to her, “tu connais le garçon?” (Intending to then complain about him…normally I would just translate, but the original words are important). “Garçon” is actually vaguely insulting, but I didn’t know the word for bartender. She replied that he was her fiancé. Well, I consider that a lesson learned.

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