Saturday, February 21, 2009

desperados, boners

Today I ran into a girl from my high school who is studying in Paris. She is one of these people who really just loves Paris. She's what one might call someone who would have a travel blog.

Later in the evening I went to Dave’s uncle’s apartment in the Montparnasse and we took a run. I had to take a cold shower because the hot water wasn’t working. Afterwards, we ate dinner with Jackie, Amanda, and Nicola. Well, I will say again, that I enjoy spending time with these girls, in fact I told them that I was considering devoting an entry just to them. I’m not going to do that now, I don’t want to flatter them too much and inflate their egos. Perhaps if they flatter me a bit, and inflate my ego, then I’ll devote an entry to them. Well, look, I suspect that at least one of them is reading this entry, so I’ll say that an entry about them is warranted, and they’ll get it sooner or later.

Well, I had some more desperados today. On the metro, I was drinking one. A young man and his attractive girlfriend (young men with attractive girlfriends are quite common, I should add) sat down in the seats next to us, and after a few stops he asked me, in a somewhat broken English, to see the desperado bottle, so that he could prove to his attractive girlfriend that a desperado is a French beer. I gave it to him and he showed it to her, then he handed it back. A while later, I was on the phone with Jared and I had to tell him what stop to get off at. When I said ‘Bonne Nouvelle’ Amanda made fun of my accent, so I told Jared to get off at ‘boner nouvelle.’ Well, this French guy, he thought that was really funny.

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