Saturday, February 21, 2009


When I got home tonight, I noticed that there was still a pot of soup from a few days ago left on the stove—it’s my host mother Florence’s soup, she seems to live off of vegetable soup. My host mother hates living with me and my other flat mate Sebastian. She has told us both on several occasions that she will never again host people. She often says, “It’s impossible (c’est impossible)” or “I don’t understand anything anymore (je ne comprends plus rien)” or “I can’t take it anymore (je ne peux plus le supporter).” Very often I will be alone in the apartment, and then she comes back and I hear her cursing or talking to herself. “Shit” or “fuck,” (in French though) she’ll say to herself. This worries me very much, because I think I’m somehow responsible for whatever she is angry about. One morning this happened, and since I was groggy and hungover, I decided to approach her and find out what was the matter. I found her in the kitchen. Immediately, to try and make myself look good, I started cleaning. Well, she complained about us not keeping the kitchen clean enough and not taking out the garbage, etc. However, she said that in fact I am rather discreet and clean, and she put most of the blame on my flat mate Sebastian. She said that he is “lourde” (which literally means heavy, although I think she meant to say that he is dense) and German. I also mentioned to her that I think the three of us should eat together one night, so that we can perhaps discuss the living arrangements so living together can be more agreeable. She said she does not want to eat with the German. Well, I think I am right in suspecting a little bit of prejudice here on Florence’s part.
Well, what I’m getting at is that, in terms of my own cleanliness, well, I base it on her cleanliness. Today, when I opened up the lid to the soup pot left by her, all I saw was a congealed, moldy substance. What is this supposed to mean? If she can get away with that, I ought to be able to be a little lazy about recycling my beer bottles. Or am I supposed to clean out the moldy pot? I don’t want to deal with that shit.


  1. I love soup. Therefore, when i first started reading this and you wrote about how much she likes soup I liked her immediately. But moldy soup is disgusting. In fact, some might say it's the worst kind of soup. In other words, I think basing your cleanliness off of her is fitting.

  2. kristin is right; mouldy soup is the worst kind of soup.

  3. I think you should kill your coloc with an axe and cut her into little pieces. I promise I won't tell anybody; in fact, I must just an made myself an accessory.

  4. She does not sound like the nicest person to live with. (this is Suzelle writing) Why doesn't she like Germans?


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