Friday, February 27, 2009

'the sports'

Very often I’ll ask my flatmate Sebastion what he did with himself over the weekend, and he’ll respond by saying he did ‘the sports.’ Likewise, when I return from a run, he’ll ask if I just got back from doing ‘the sports.’ Apparently, as far as althetic activities go, Germans do not make any distinctions—anything from jogging to swimming to soccer or even going to a sauna falls under ‘the sports.’ We asked Dave’s German friend Christoph about this (who, I should add, refers to his math homework as ‘the maths’) and he confirmed that in German, there is only one word that refers to althetic activity. I did try to explain the difference between playing a sport and exercising to Sebastion, but he continues to use his catch all phrase ‘the sports.’

1 comment:

  1. haha, that's fantastic. i want to start using catch all phrases. unfortunately, i can't think of any good ones at the moment. i'll keep the idea in mind, though.

    also, i know i owe you an e-mail. i swear it's coming.


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