Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I went to a club again yesterday in Edinburgh. I don’t know why. I was, and still am, suffering from a fairly severe cold. When I wanted to talk to people, I had to yell very loud, and nearly every time my voice broke. That was awkward. Several times, this girl complimented me on my glasses and asked to try them on. At one point, I ran into her later in the night and she took them to show to her friend. This was all very flattering, but I would’ve appreciated being engaged in a conversation. Again, the problem seems to be that I just don’t understand clubbing. I don’t understand clubbing the way I don’t understand golfing. Going clubbing for me is kind of like if I were to enter a golf tournament, except probably worse. Maybe I need to start using drugs. That’s the ticket.

Before we went to the club, however, I had a very nice time meeting Dave’s friends. We talked about v-necks, because I thought Dave’s German friend Christoph was wearing a uni qlo v, but it turns out it was another brand. Also, Dave’s friend Helen has the same v-neck that both Dave and I have, and she wore it out.

Sometimes I wonder if I write about the right kinds of things in here. I wonder if, in five or ten years, I’ll look back at this blog and think, ‘Damn, why couldn’t I have done a travel blog?’


  1. I've been thinking a lot about the content of my blog recently. I know you were joking, but I don't think it's a travel blog for which you're looking. In fact, I think the content of your blog rocks hard (to use a technical term). I like your brevity and concision. I also think that (unlike me) you wait until you have something worth saying, and you always seem to have an angle or an anecdote. I like that. I think I'm gonna try to be more like you, Dan. Have I ever told you have much I ____ you?


  2. retroactive embarrassment

  3. I know Ezra is under the impression that your blog is a badly disguised travel blog. I think he is, essentially, correct.

    You travel and meet new people--where's the distinction in that?

  4. alright, maybe it is a travel blog. i don't care anymore.


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