Wednesday, April 22, 2009

nice guy?

Even though I’m a nice guy, apparently, I went back on my word and turned down the housing offer I mentioned before. But am I really a nice guy, after all? The other day, I sent Jared a text message asking him where he’d been lately, and he replied saying that he was still a little pissed about something that I’d done…and that in addition, I probably didn’t know what it was, and that was part of it. My mind went over all the possibilities. I couldn’t really think of anything, but I still had a guilty conscience, as if there was a latent and mean spirited tendency in me that inadvertently was made manifest without me even noticing.

Come to think of it, this must be exactly what these girls I wrote about a few entries back are responding to. Well, as Céline points out, being hated is sometimes what happiness is all about. I know I enjoyed writing that entry, and I’m enjoying this one, too.

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