Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thoughts while running yesterday:

- Maybe after college I should disappear and move to a small town in the Midwest and become an amateur body builder. But I don’t have the right body type. And I probably wouldn’t be able to afford therapy.
- Next to the Seine, there’s a huge Cujo kind of dog being pet by a woman that doesn’t appear to be its owner. Why can’t people have huge cats for pets, like leopards or lions? Katherine Hepburn has a pet leopard in Bringing Up Baby, and it’s really damn cute. Besides, that dog could kill a motherfucker just as easily as a leopard could, if it wanted to.
- Are people that wear flannel more approachable than people who wear track jackets? What if it’s a pastel flannel? I was wearing a flannel the day before walking next to the Seine around the same spot and a man asks me: is my friend up there ugly? Is he ugly and black? I say I don’t have an opinion, and fortunately (I imagine) he doesn’t persist.
- Should I blog about defriending people on face book who have annoying status updates? Gary Numan was ahead of his time when he asked: are friends electric?

1 comment:

  1. You don't have to defriend them, just hide their updates.

    We're all moving to Berlin after college. Start learning German. Might be stiff competition for body building, though. If 'the right body type' is big MF muscles, u win.


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