Tuesday, December 23, 2008

cigarette bumming etiquette

At Julia’s Christmas party on Sunday evening I quietly got very drunk. Then in the bathroom I noticed that a board on the door was nearly falling off, so I kicked it and broke it off completely. I don’t have an explanation. Julia initially seemed a little pissed. I felt very badly. The only new person I met there has the same name as my mother. I talked to her for a few minutes and walked away. I noticed a girl with a nice short hair cut but she was with a guy, probably her bif. Oren almost got into a fight with him later that night. Dave and I were ready to help Oren out if needed. Later on Kate, Julia’s friend, asked me for a cigarette and I told her to ask Perrie. I don’t know her, Kate said. I remarked that she didn’t know me very well either, but she still was asking. Her response was that we’d met a bunch of times at Julia’s place. Maybe, but we don’t talk to each other or even greet each other, I thought. Perrie gave her a cigarette.

We ran a lot of the way home because it was cold. I was feeling reflective and mildly perturbed about something I couldn’t articulate. I kicked a garbage bag that was in the middle of the street and scattered shit everywhere. The next day I met Sam from Middlebury, I hadn’t seen him since the summer. That was pleasant.

On the bus ride home again I felt reflective. I felt tired. I didn't reach any conclusions.


  1. I know a ton of people with the same name as my dad (Dan *cough*). But no one with the same name as my mom (Teresa). Well, I'm friends with a Theresa on facebook, but I've probably only talked to her once. I think that's weird.

  2. I think replacing all references to 'cigarettes' with 'penis' makes this easier to understand, even if that busts the suggestive tone you were aiming at.

  3. i though that party was fun. you made me laugh many times.


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