Thursday, December 18, 2008

red hook

I am back in Bethlehem and there isn’t much to do. On the ride home we stopped at Bard to pick up Will’s brother Sam. Before we saw Sam, who was taking a final, we had to pick up his things at his off-campus house out in the country. The house, which he shares with four other people, is a lot cleaner than our mod at Hampshire. It made me think about how dirty and lazy we are at mod 35. While Will packed the car with his brother’s things, I lay on the couch and looked out the window at the clouds. Ben was playing on the keyboard, going through the various settings, and at one point it sounded like a cheap horror movie score.

In Red Hook we stopped at a café and fudge shop. When I ordered my sandwich I tried to banter a little bit with the people behind the counter, but I’m not sure how they took it. As we ate there was a couple sitting at a nearby table. The girl was explaining that she was certain about the things she didn’t like. One of these things was peanut butter and jelly.


  1. Messy mods are the way to go. But, I'm probably just in denial so I can feel better about this next semester.

    I don't really like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches either, but at least I wouldn't say I'm certain of it. Although, I do think they are much better when you cut off the crust.


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